Noa Eshkol in the Sydney Biennale: A Translation

Sally Gardner


Noa Eshkol’s wall carpets were shown at the Sydney Biennale in 2016 in the ‘Embassy of Translation’ located at the Museum of Contemporary Art. As part of the exhibition of the vibrant wall carpets Eshkol’s dance was represented by a number of items displayed in two vitrines. In addition, I gave a public talk at the MCA on Eshkol’s movement notation and her dance practice. Eshkol’s dance practice was thus represented at the Biennale and was conceptualised vis a vis the wall carpets in terms of the notion of translation. In this essay, referring to the MCA exhibition and drawing on experience and analysis of Eshkol’s dance, I take up the question of translation and how concepts, criteria, values from the visual arts field might translate into those of the dance field. I am concerned to identify and maintain important difference between Eshkol’s wall carpets and her dance while also claiming continuities in certain fundamental values in order to question the kinds of bases upon which comparisons of works from these different practices might be made.


dance; visual arts; gallery; translation; Biennale of Sydney; Noa Eshkol

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